Rohit Sahu

Wear Your Yoga Glasses: Seeing Life Through a Yogic Lens

Hello, fellow yogis and seekers of serenity, As you might know, yesterday was International Yoga Day. Did you strike a pose or find your zen? Whether you flowed through sun salutations at sunrise or simply paused to take a deep, mindful breath amidst your day, we’ve all felt the ripple of yoga’s calming influence. But …

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Shape Your Own Reality: The Complete Guide to Manifestation

Ever wondered how some individuals seem to draw success, happiness, and opportunities to themselves with seemingly little effort? It’s not as mystical as it might appear. If you’re looking to harness this power for yourself, I’ve created something you’ll want to see. A Deep Dive into Manifestation I’ve recently released a comprehensive video on manifestation …

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Revitalizing Agni (Digestive Fire) with Ayurvedic Wisdom: A Comprehensive Guide

Hi Dear, Have you ever paused to ponder the intricate dance unfolding within your body every time you take a bite of food? It’s a symphony of sensations, a complex choreography orchestrated by an ancient intelligence that predates the dawn of time itself. Yes, I’m talking about digestion – the miraculous alchemy that turns mere …

Revitalizing Agni (Digestive Fire) with Ayurvedic Wisdom: A Comprehensive Guide Read More »

Decoding the Ayurvedic Clock: Aligning Daily Routines with Body’s Natural Rhythms

Hello there, Have you ever felt like your daily routine is somehow out of sync with your body’s natural rhythm? Maybe you’ve noticed that some days you feel energized and focused, while others you feel out of sorts, no matter how much sleep you get or coffee you drink. This feeling isn’t just in your …

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Harmony on Your Plate: Ayurveda’s Guide to Food Combinations

Hey there, fellow seekers of wellness and balance! 😊 Today, we’re delving into the harmonious relationship between our bodies and the foods we consume. Ayurveda isn’t just about what we eat; it’s a deep understanding of how the foods we choose can either nourish us or throw our delicate balance out of sync. It’s like …

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Eating Right Isn’t Enough: 10 Post-Meal Mistakes to Correct

We’ve all heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” But what about how you eat? While focusing on your diet is undoubtedly crucial for your overall health, it’s equally important to pay attention to what you do after you’ve enjoyed a meal. Surprisingly, many of us make mistakes without even realizing it. These post-meal …

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Understanding Doshas: A Beginner’s Guide for Ayurveda

  🌿 In this video, we delve deep into the essence of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—the fundamental energies that govern our bodies and minds. Learn how these unique elemental combinations influence your physical traits, emotional tendencies, and overall well-being. We’ll explore each dosha in detail, discussing insights into diet, lifestyle, and practices to maintain balance …

Understanding Doshas: A Beginner’s Guide for Ayurveda Read More »

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