Chakras are the circular vortexes of energy that are placed in seven different points on the spinal column, and all the seven Chakras are connected to the various organs and glands within the body. These Chakras are responsible for disturbing the life energy, which is also known as Qi or Prana.
They are virtually in the form of a fluid, and if they block and stop moving, energy cannot flow in our bodies. It is because there is an intimate connection between the spirit, soul, the mind, and the whole body.
Whenever a Chakra is disrupted or blocked, the life energy also gets blocked, leading to the onset of mental and health ailments. When the harmonious balance of the seven Chakras is disrupted or damaged, it can cause several problems in our lives, including our physical health, emotional health and our mental state of mind.
If all our Chakras are balanced and in harmony, our body will function in an optimum way; If unbalanced, our energies will be like in a small river where the water will flow irregularly and noisy. By balancing our Chakras, the water/our energies will flow more freely throughout our body and thus the risk of imbalances and consequently illnesses will be reduced to a minimum.
There are 7 main energy centers in our subtle body that influence our life, starting from Root Chakra to the Crown Chakra. Any issues one has in one’s life is because these Chakras are not activated and aligned.
What is referred to as a third eye is not necessary like these two eyes we got.
There is too much of “Chakra talk” going on everywhere. Especially in the West, wherever you go, there are “wheel alignment centers” where they claim to “align” your seven Chakras. From yoga studios to chiropractics, everybody is talking about it these days. That has become a fad. But though everybody only talks about seven Chakras, there are actually 114 Chakras in the body.
What Are the 7 Chakras?
You can see them as 114 junctions or confluences of ‘Nadis.’ The Nadis are the channels of prana (Life-giving force) in the energy body. These junctions are always in the form of triangles. They are called Chakras because they embody movement from one dimension to another, and the word “Chakra” means “wheel” or “circle.” But they are actually triangles.
Out of these 114 Chakras, two are outside the physical body. Of the remaining 112, only 108 can actually be worked upon, the remaining four just flower as a consequence. The number 108 has manifested in the human system because it is a significant number in the making of the solar system. The diameter of the sun and the distance between the earth and the sun is 108 times. The diameter of the moon and the distance between the earth and the moon is 108 times. The diameter of the sun is 108 times the diameter of the earth. And hence, 108 is significant in various spiritual practices.
These 112 Chakras arrange themselves into seven dimensions, with sixteen aspects in each dimension. Instead of going into 112, which is too much of a number for a lot of people, generally, only seven were spoken about because of these seven categories or seven dimensions. It is these seven dimensions that are generally being referred to as the 7 Chakras, which are in turn the basis for the seven schools of yoga.
From 112 to 7 Chakras
For a human being to live a full-fledged physical and social life, he needs only twenty-one Chakras in his body to be active. These 21 Chakras are also connected with the number seven.
The Location & Names of the 7 Chakras
The seven fundamental Chakras are known as Root Chakra (Muladhara), which is located at the perineum, the space between the anal outlet and the genital organ; Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana), which is just above the genital organ; Solar Plexus (Manipuraka), which is just below the navel; Heart Chakra (Anahata), which is just beneath where the rib cage meets; Throat Chakra (Vishuddhi), which is at the pit of the throat; Third Eye (Ajna), which is between the eyebrows; and Crown Chakra (Sahasrara), also known as Brahmarandra, which is at the top of the head, where when a child is born, there is a soft spot.
Chakras have more than one dimension to them. One dimension is their physical existence, but they also have a spiritual dimension.
We can speak in terms of lower and higher energy centers, but such language is often and too easily misunderstood. It is like comparing the foundation of a building to the roof. The roof is not superior to the foundation. The foundation of the building is more basic to the building than the roof. The quality, life span, stability and security of the building depend to a large extent on the foundation rather than the roof. But in terms of language, the roof is higher, and the foundation is lower.
To Learn More about Chakras, Claim Your FREE Copy of My Book-
Chakras for Beginners: A Guide to Understanding 7 Chakras of the Body: Nourish, Heal, And Fuel The Chakras For Higher Consciousness And Awakening!