Ayurveda Dosha Quiz Leave a Comment / By Rohit Sahu / November 9, 2023 Welcome to your Ayurveda Dosha Quiz How would you describe your overall energy levels? A) Variable, with bursts of energy followed by fatigue. B) Steady and consistent throughout the day. C) High energy levels, but prone to burnout if overworked. None How do you react to change in routine or unexpected events? A) Feel uneasy and prefer sticking to a familiar routine. B) Adapt well to change and can be spontaneous. C) Get frustrated or overwhelmed with sudden changes. None What is your usual approach to learning or new experiences? A) Quick to grasp new concepts but may forget easily. B) Steady learner with good memory retention. C) Slow to learn but have long-lasting memory once learned. None Which climate do you prefer? A) Warm and humid climate. B) Moderate and temperate climate. C) Cold and dry climate. None In cold weather, how do you typically feel? A) Cold easily, especially in hands and feet. B) Comfortable with slight chill or warmth. C) Warm, even when others are feeling cold. None How do you usually sleep? A) Light sleeper, with difficulty falling asleep and waking up easily. B) Sound sleeper, rarely disturbed once asleep. C) Deep sleeper, but it takes time to wake up fully. None What is your usual response to stress or pressure? A) I tend to worry and become anxious easily. B) I am generally calm and composed under pressure. C) I can become irritable or aggressive when stressed. None Which of the following best describes your appetite? A) Irregular, often forget to eat or have a small appetite. B) Moderate, with a strong digestion and appetite. C) Strong, constant hunger, and tend to overeat. None How would you describe your skin type? A) Dry, rough, and prone to cracking or flaking. B) Soft, sensitive, and occasionally prone to redness. C) Oily, prone to acne or congestion. None When it comes to your body frame, which description best fits you? A) I am generally slender and find it hard to gain weight. B) I have a medium build with proportional weight distribution. C) I tend to be stocky or gain weight easily. None Congratulations on completing the Ayurveda Dosha Quiz! Based on your responses, you can now identify your dominant dosha. If you have chosen more "A," you have a Vata constitution. If you have chosen more "B," you have a Pitta constitution. And if you have chosen more "C," you have a Kapha constitution. If you have two options that are nearly dominant, you might fall into one of the following dual-dosha categories. If you have a significant number of A and B options, you are a Vata-Pitta combination. A majority of B and C options indicate a Pitta-Kapha combination. And if you have a significant number of A and C options, you are a Kapha-Vata combination. This quiz provides an introductory glimpse into Ayurvedic principles. For personalized recommendations, check out the Series below, each book is tailored for a specific dosha covering everything regarding the dosha. For an in-depth dosha analysis, consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner. Embrace the richness of Ayurveda and cherish your dosha constitution, leading you towards a life of balance, vitality, and contentment. May your journey of self-discovery be rewarding and transformative! Time's up